Watch Japan Webcam Live?

Did you know that you can view webcams of practically any city in in the world? That’s right, you can even view a city in Japan as a live shot. It’s so amazing. Webcams are placed randomly (mostly for traffic reasons) around major Japanese cities and airports. It’s so fun to watch scenery from Japan right in the comfort of your own home regardless of where you are. It makes you feel like you’re right there! Though there are multiple live webcam sites of Japan, the one I found that was the best was by (see access link below). This site allows you to choose various cities throughout Japan.  Choose any city and escape for awhile. Or maybe right before you go to Japan, you can see what the weather is like currently with your own eyes. How fun would it be if you knew someone in Japan and you communicated with them to be in front of a certain webcam in a certain city at a certain time! Instant viewing…so genius. Take a look at your favorite city!  CLICK HERE for LIVE Japan Webcam Access

Map of Tokyo, Japan (Metro)

When people say JAPAN, the most well known city of all is Tokyo, the capital city of Japan. It is also where the Japanese Imperial family resides. Probably the most busiest city in Japan, you may get lost in the hustle and bussel of Tokyo, Japan but for those who really want to experience the Japanese culture and lifestyle, this is the place for you. Many of the main Japanese tourist attractions are located right here in Tokyo like Tokyo Tower, Tokyo Disneyland, the Imperial Palace, and fashion city Harajuku. See below for a detailed English area street map of Tokyo, Japan great for tourists. CLICK ON MAP TO ENLARGE

Map of Sapporo, Japan

The most popular city of the Northern Japan, Sapporo is as beautiful as it gets. Winters are very cold with lots of snow. Located on the island of Hokkaido, Sapporo is the capital. Sapporo is known for amazing seafood as well as the spectacular winter snow festival. It is also home to the Sapporo Brewery. Below is a great English map for tourists of Sapporo, Japan. CLICK ON MAP TO ENLARGE