Top 10 Diets of Japan Continued…

6. The 200 Calorie Sweet Snack Diet-Rather than depriving yourself in between meals which can cause stress or overeating during the meal, this diet lets you snack on such things as jello, yogurt, soy protein bars, or multigrain crackers. Or just having a soda or gum is fine as well. Dried seaweed snacks are also popular 200 Calorie snacks.

7. The Ear and Foot Acupressure Diet-Made popular by the Ancient Chinese, Acupressure is to used to help many ailments of the body, in this case, even weight loss. The routine is pretty simple. 2 times daily, after bathing at night and right before going to sleep for 10 seconds on each side. All you have to do is find those weight loss pressure points! First Point-Pinch your tragus (the little tab in front of your ear canal). Second Point-Press against your skull right behind your ear and earlobe. Third Point-Press the middle of the back of your knee. Fourth Point-Press the back of the thickest part of your thigh. Fifth Point-Press the bottom of your foot right before the heel.

8. The Bath Time Diet-This is similar to the yoga and breathing techinique in which it is suppose to relieve stress. Taking a relaxing bath with bath gels or salts and really enjoying the moment and steam is supposedly all it takes.

9. The Mixed Grain Diet-Variations of mixed grains are sold in packets in Japan that can be added to plain anythings including rice, miso soup or gyoza. The texture of these grains is chewy so it makes satisfies your hunger quicker.

10. The Banana Diet-All you have to do is eat a single banana for breakfast, drink lots of water and eat dinner as early as possible with no snacks after dinner. Other than that, you can eat whatever you desire for lunch as well as dinner. Sound simple enough right!

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